Wayo-Earth LLC was founded in 2018. We are the official distributor and legally importing an Iris Ohyama brand air purifiers, household products such as vacuum cleaners, dust mite vacuum cleaners and also DAIKIN brand air purifiers, the products of the Japanese worldwide known company, Daikin Industries Co., Ltd. Wayo-Earth LLC is 100% Japanese invested company engaged in trade, tourism, art and supporting activities of documentary film and movie making.
In order to create a healthy and comfortable environment for our customers, we are importing an air purifiers with special technology to improve and purify indoor air quality and distribute them to our customers in every corner of Mongolia.
Air purifier with humidifier
Японы Дэлхийд тэргүүлэгч Дайкин брэндийн Дэвшилтэт Стриймэр технологи бүхий MCK55TVM6 загварын агаар цэвэршүүлэгчийн давуу талууд:
Cordless Vacuum Cleaner
Тасралтгүй энгийн горимоор ажиллах хугацаа:35мин
Working time in continuous power mode: 15 minutes
Power mode-8000 pascal
Vacuum Cleaner
Японы Iris Ohyama брэндийн тоосны хачиг сорогч нь ор, дэр, матрасс, хөнжил , гудас, буйдан, жижиг хивсэнцэр, үслэг эдлэл буюу бидний унтаж амрах хэрэгсэл дээр тогтсон тэжээвэр амьтнаас ялгарах хаг хуурс , хачиг, тоос тоосонцор, тоосны хачиг харшил үүсгэгч, хүний биений гуужсан арьс, хаг , бохирдол нян вирусыг 98% сорж аван цэвэрлэнэ. Хүчтэй цохигч вибратроор гадаргууг цохиж нүдэнд үл харагдах бохирдлыг гүнээс маш сайн татан сорж авч филтэр дээрээ тусгай шарагч гэрлээр тоосны хачиг, нян, вирус, мөөгөнцөр зэргийг шарж устгадаг.
Air purifier
All of our products have a warranty that varies by type. The minimum period of warranty is 6 months.
HEPA and dehumidifying filters are always available. Daikin and Irish filters are also commercially available.
Available at Med Import Mongol, Next Electronics, PC Mall, and Nomin branch stores. You can also buy directly from our Facebook page.
Our products coming directly from the official factories in Guangzhou, Dalian and Tianjin in China, which are the closest factories to Mongolia to offer the best possible price to our customers.
We provide a warranty card for each product and take full responsibility for maintenance during the warranty period.
It is possible to pay in installments without interest, without advance payment, using Storepay, Pocket, Money-T services.
Based on the feedback and request of our customers, we announce discounts and promotions every season.
Мөн таны хэрэглээнээс шалтгаалж хугацаа уртасч болно.